Saturday, September 29, 2012

Final Fantasy Agni's Philosophy demoed in 4K resolution, Next Gen FF for PS4 /Xbox 720 to support 4K?

Final Fantasy Agni's Philosophy ,Square Enix's  Real Time Next Gen Tech Demo being shown in 4K on Tishiba's new 2013 4K UHDTVs.

Could this be a look at what's to come on the Next-Gen Consoles from Sony & Microsoft? 4K for PlayStation 4 & Xbox 720 AKA Durango.

Toshiba plans three 4K TVs next year.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

PS3 Super Slim vs PS3 Slim : Size Comparison

PS3 Super Slim vs PS3 Slim : Size Comparison

screen capped from the IGN unboxing video

Wii U Release date November 18 , $299 basic , $349 Deluxe pack

just announced  at the Wii U event Wii U will be releasing on November 18 for $299 basic pack , $349 Deluxe pack.

more info as it comes in.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sony to show off HMZ Prototype AR HMD at TGS ( teaser video)

Quote Originally Posted by danhese007
Sony just posted a teaser for a prototype head mount display they will be showing at TGS

Credit to Danhese007 from Neogaf.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes to have Kinect Support on Xbox 360

Screen cap from the new trailer show that Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes will have Kinect Support on Xbox 360.